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EV + 3D Scanning: A Harmonious Synergy of Technology, and Innovation
Friday, August 30, 2024 Creaform To keep up with the rapidly evolving EV industry ecosystem and meet the speed and quality requirements, many are turning to 3D scanning to enable accurate measurements, shortened development cycles and time-to-market.
White Paper
Better Metalworking Fluid Management is Here
Friday, August 23, 2024 Castrol Castrol Smart Solutions combine big data, real-time monitoring and Industry 4.0 technology to help reduces downtimes and potential damage to machines.
White Paper
Machining Modern Aerospace Alloys Without the Use of Biocides
Thursday, August 15, 2024 Castrol Spoilage due to bacteria is one of the most prevalent causes of metalworking fluid shortened life, frequent change-outs and expensive service additives. If you work in the aerospace industry, next-generation metalworking fluids are available to help.
Stated Accuracy Versus Accredited Accuracy
Tuesday, August 13, 2024 Creaform Simply put, stated accuracy is a claim, while accredited accuracy is a verified fact. It is important for users to understand this difference when making purchasing decisions, especially for measurement equipment.
White Paper
Maintaining Cutting Fluids Without FRAs, Boron and Biocides Additives
Friday, August 2, 2024 Castrol Castrol® XBB platform offers a compelling alternative to maintaining cutting fluids using expensive additive top-ups and, it's formulated using FRA-free and boron-free technology so you simplify compliance and improve engineer safety at the same time.
White Paper
Optimize Your Tool Grinding Supply Chain
Friday, July 26, 2024 Star Cutter Company Rethinking your approach to the complexities of tool grinding? We have a solution for connecting expertise, cutting tools and grinders for faster and better performance.
Research / Report
The Challenges of Robot Maintenance and the Importance of Lubricants
Thursday, March 14, 2024 Castrol The number of industrial robots operating in factories around the world today marks the highest level ever recorded, but are manufacturers equipped to keep them running at optimum efficiency?
Don’t Overlook the Coolant:  5 Tips for Better Metalworking Fluid Care
Monday, March 4, 2024 Castrol Metalworking fluids are vital to the manufacturing process but can easily be neglected. Proper care of your fluids ensures optimum process efficiency and lowest cost.
Castrol® Virtual Engineer: The Next Best Thing to a Castrol Expert on Site
Thursday, January 4, 2024 Castrol Through our new digital solution, Castrol Virtual Engineer, we can now virtually visit your site, vessel or factory at any time, from anywhere in the world, without the travel. It’s quick and simple to arrange.
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