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Aegis Software

Aegis Software develops, deploys and services manufacturing optimization, management, and analysis software. Its systems utilize the CAD design of a product to be manufactured to assist the preparation of the information required by the factory floor to actually execute the assembly process.

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Resources from Aegis Software
  • Monday, March 25, 2024 Aegis Software

    It’s time to put Smart, data-driven manufacturing operations to the test. In this comprehensive whitepaper we show you how to determine the Artificial Intelligence Quotient (AIQ) level of a factory.

  • Thursday, March 14, 2024 Aegis Software

    Learn key principles and technologies that will ensure that you select the right system for your unique needs and requirements.

  • Wednesday, March 6, 2024 Aegis Software

    This white paper covers today's manufacturing complexities, the effect of the skills shortage, the "power applet" impact on manufacturing and the connected worker, and what it really looks like in action.